To our incredible donors and sponsors,

we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your generosity and unwavering support of the Muslim Women’s Coalition. Your contributions and kindness fuel our mission to uplift and empower Muslim women and girls across Wisconsin. You help us create opportunities, build connections, and inspire change. As we start our next chapter together, you remind us of the power of community and shared purpose as we work to foster growth, leadership, and a lasting impact.

Diamond Sponsors

  • Dr. Aishah Aslam
  • Dr. Dima Adl
  • Dr. Hanadi BuAli
  • Dr. Waleed & Janan Najeeb
  • Rayyan Najeeb & Dr. Reem Mahjoub/ True Dental


Gold Sponsor

  • Drs. Imad & Sahar Katib














2024 MWC Gala Livestream - Next Chapter: The Journey Ahead