Together, We Can Do More:
Become a Sponsor
Each year, our Annual Gala brings the community together, and we warmly invite you to join us as a valued sponsor. Below, you’ll find the sponsorship levels and the meaningful ways your support makes a difference.
All Sponsorship Levels
Diamond Sponsorship - $10,000
- Two premium tables for eight with signage.
- Complimentary use of the IRC for up to 50 people twice during the year.
- Inside cover or back cover ad in the fundraiser program book.
- Prominent Recognition/logo in email and social media advertisement to over 6,000 contacts and followers.
- Prominent Recognition/logo at entrance to hall.
- Prominent Recognition/logo on signage inside the IRC, displayed all 2025.
Platinum Sponsorship - $7,500
- Two premium tables for eight with signage.
- Complimentary use of the IRC for up to 50 people once during the year.
- Full page ad in fundraiser program book.
- Prominent Recognition/logo on audiovisual presentation at fundraiser.
- Prominent Recognition/logo in email and social media advertisement to over 6,000 contacts and followers.
- Prominent Recognition/logo at entrance in hall.
- Prominent Recognition/logo on signage inside the IRC, displayed all 2025.
Gold Sponsorship - $5,000
- Two premium tables for eight with signage.
- Half page ad in fundraiser program book.
- Prominent Recognition/logo on audiovisual presentation at fundraiser.
- Prominent Recognition/logo in email and social media advertisement to over 6,000 contacts and followers.
- Prominent Recognition/logo at entrance in hall.
- Prominent Recognition/logo on signage inside the IRC, displayed all 2025.
Silver Sponsorship - $3,000
One premium table for eight with signage.
Complimentary use of the IRC for up to 50 people once during the year.
Half page ad in fundraiser program book.
Recognition/logo on audiovisual presentation at fundraiser.
Recognition/logo in email and social media advertisement to over 6,000 contacts and followers.
Recognition/logo at entrance in hall.
Recognition/logo on signage inside the IRC, displayed all 2025.
Ruby Sponsorship - $1,600
One table for eight with signage.
Recognition in fundraiser program book.
Recognition/logo on audiovisual presentation at fundraiser.
Recognition in email and social media advertisement to over 6,000 contacts and followers.
Recognition at entrance in hall.
Recognition/logo on signage inside the IRC, displayed all 2025.
Bronze Sponsorship - $800
Four tickets for annual fundraising dinner.
Recognition in email and social media advertisement to over 6,000 contacts and followers.
Name listed in fundraiser book.
Name on audiovisual presentation at fundraiser.
Name listed at entrance in hall.
Name listed on signage inside the IRC, displayed all 2025.
Community Sponsorship - $500
Two tickets for the annual fundraising dinner.
Name listed on signage inside hall and at entrance to hall.
Name listed on signage inside the IRC, displayed all 2025.