The “Be a Buddy” program aims to enrich and strengthen participants by promoting personal development and fun through recreational and educational experiences. Every Saturday, from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m., Afghan children and teens connect with similar-aged local children in Milwaukee at Hamilton High School. They participate in ESL classes, art projects, and play sports. Crafts and story-time are also available for children 3-6 years old.
Women’s Sewing Circle
The sewing circle for Afghan women is held in the sewing lab at Hamilton High School. The MMWC provides fabric and all sewing notions for the mothers. This gives them a sense of community and accomplishment and allows them to make their own clothes as well as clothes for their children. This also gives them employable skills as they learn important lessons and receive critical interventions that assist them in feeling less isolated. It also serves as a safe space for the women to reflect on their journeys and how they are coping being in a new country. Within the sewing Circle we also have provided parenting classes, therapy sessions and even a cooking day. The Be A Buddy Program and sewing circle happen at the same time. It is perfect for the mothers and their children.