About Our 2023 Impact
Our commitment to equality and justice is at the heart of what we do. We strive to create a society where everyone is treated with dignity and respect regardless of race, religion, or background.
That’s why, with your support, in 2023, we took swift and impactful action in response to the war on Gaza. Our efforts, alongside other Wisconsin-based organizations, aimed to raise awareness and demand human rights for Palestinians.
By organizing press conferences, protests, and forming the Wisconsin Coalition for Justice in Palestine, we mobilized a strong collective voice for an end to the violence and U.S. support for Israeli attacks on Gaza.
The Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition's vision of an equitable and inclusive Wisconsin is vital for a diverse and harmonious society. By actively working to ensure that Muslims, including Palestinian Muslims, are recognized as integral members of Milwaukee, we promote understanding and inclusion across cultural and religious lines.
As always, unity and solidarity are central to our work for justice and equality. Since the war on Gaza began, we have been tirelessly raising our community’s humanitarian and social justice concerns around Palestine. By advocating for Palestinian Americans in Milwaukee and their loved ones abroad, we address the unique needs and voices within our Muslim community.
Israel’s military campaign in Gaza is having a personal impact on Wisconsin Muslims.
“I’m watching every little detail, every airstrike. All of it is upsetting. It doesn’t matter if they are immediate relatives or other innocent people, it hurts us. We are all related as human beings.”- Mhammad Abu Shawish, 60, a Milwaukee resident and Gazan American mourning the loss of multiple family members in Gaza due to Israeli bombing.
Thanks to your help, we are making significant strides in mental health care in Milwaukee. Our initiatives equip providers with the cultural competency necessary to serve the Muslim community effectively while also offering valuable mental health resources to individuals in need.
We collaborated with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin for our 2nd Annual MMWC Behavioral and Mental Health Conference, “Mental Health & The Muslim Diaspora: Providing Guidance. Through a Cultural Lens.” Through these initiatives, we educate healthcare providers to better serve Muslim clients in our community.
In addition to offering workshops for both the general public and health providers, we also ran a year-long mental health awareness campaign. Through these combined efforts, we are addressing the critical health needs of Muslims in Milwaukee.
“Our year round Muslim mental health awareness campaigns and annual conference provide context, information, and strategies to help providers gain greater cultural competence when working with members of the incredibly diverse Muslim community”
-Janan Atta Najeeb - Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition Founder and Executive Director
We collaborated with PBS Wisconsin to launch "Wisconsin Life: The Wisconsin Muslim Project," a powerful initiative designed to foster understanding, break down stereotypes, and create connections between Wisconsin’s Muslim and non-Muslim communities.
The partnership with PBS Wisconsin, Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition, and We are Many—United Against Hate highlights the stories of Muslims across the state, including historical figures like Mahmoud Atta and other Wisconsin Muslims. The inclusion of educational materials for younger students adds to its value, helping to promote empathy and cultural awareness among the next generation. Together, we produced multiple educational resources, including four videos, animations and photo exhibitions.
Milwaukees Islamic History
In partnership with PBS Wisconsin, we coproduced the biography of Mahmoud Othman Atta, a pivotal figure in the history of Milwaukee’s Islamic Community. A Palestinian immigrant, Atta was instrumental to the founding of Milwaukee’s first mosque open to all Muslims. This animated short film is accompanied by classroom learning resources, including a comprehensive PBS Wisconsin educator guide.
Thanks to the support of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation and the Mary Nohl Fund, 2023 marked the ninth year of the annual Milwaukee Muslim Film Festival, held at the historic Oriental Theater. This festival has become a vital platform for showcasing thought-provoking and impactful films that explore the diverse experiences of Muslims around the world.
Beyond the annual festival, we also screen films by and about Muslims throughout the year, ensuring that this important representation remains a constant part of Milwaukee's cultural landscape.
Displaced individuals often rely on familiar art forms to help them adapt to new surroundings. At MMWC, we use sewing circles and cooking groups as powerful ways to support refugee and newly immigrated Muslim women, particularly those from Afghanistan.
These gatherings offer more than just a space for creativity. They ease the difficult transition into a new society and reinforce vocational skills that are transferable to our local workforce.
For Afghan and other newly immigrated Muslim women, our sewing circles are a cultural bridge between the lives they left behind and their bright future as valued members of Milwaukee society.
Women’s Sewing &
Cooking Circles
We are deeply committed to the empowerment and self-improvement of Muslim children and youth in Milwaukee. That’s why we provide robust programming that fosters their growth and learning. One of the cornerstone initiatives is our 12th Annual Summer Reading and Activity Camp, which is one of our largest projects. This program is designed to ignite a passion for reading among children while also establishing a strong connection with the Islamic Resource Center (IRC) library.
In addition to the reading program, MMWC runs a Children’s Gardening Club, offering kids hands-on experience with nature, gardening, and environmental stewardship. Through these programs, we strive to nurture Muslim children's intellectual, emotional, and physical development in the community.
“When I first heard about the Islamic library, I told my mom, we have to go! “The reading program helped me feel confident in talking with others, speaking more with others because I was not outgoing when I first came here. I was very shy.”
-Maryam Ibrahim, Maryam moved to America when she was 8 years old and discovered the MMWC reading camp
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We are proud to be able to be supporters of the Milwaukee Muslim Women's Coalition for a few reasons. We really appreciate that the MMWC serves people in a way that empowers them. The MMWC works to build bridges that help people create understanding across lines of language, national origin, culture and faith tradition. We can all be very proud of who we are as we appreciate people different from ourselves. Finally, we love the sincerity, optimism and genuine human goodness of everyone we've met at the MMWC. The MMWC has built the kind of community we all need to aspire to.”
-Julie Clark and David Liners
“Islam is a beautiful faith that's often misrepresented in the media. Islam promotes equity and social justice, encourages community service and strives for a world filled with peace and understanding. I wanted to support an organization that encompasses all of this. The MMWC's work embodies these elements in all of their projects, programs and missions. Whether it is opening their doors to the public with the library and programs, caring for vulnerable women and children with Our Peaceful Home, putting on one of the only Muslim Film Festivals in the country, helping the public understand Muslims through the Wisconsin Muslim Journal, or their countless other projects and programs. Just as important is the quality and level of professionalism evident in everything they do. For these reasons, I will continue to support the MMWC for as long as I am able!
-Dr. Hanadi BuAli, MMWC Board of Directors
Join Our Mission
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January Networking Brunch
Friday, January 31 | 10:00am - 12:00pm | Islamic Resource Center 5235 S. 27th Street, Greenfield, WI 53221